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Behncke - Oberleutnant M.A

    from Sept. 1940 - ???, Battery Commander iV of the 2./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Schantung-Pollux-Neufeld / Groden

Brune, Fritz - Corvette Captain MA (born 1895)

    Until the end of September 1939, battery commander of the 2nd/ MA.FLA.A 214 - Schantung-Pollux-Neufeld/GrodenMay - September 1941, acting as commander of the MA.FLA.A 214April 1941 - May 1942, battery commander of the 5th/ MA.FLA.A 214 - Stand HeideMarch - August 1044, commander MA.FLA.A. 214 From November 1944, transferred to MA.FLA.A. 822 in Bergen/Nor.

Colander - First Lieutenant MA

  • Bis Juli 1944 Batterieführer der 1./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Fort Kugelbake


Decker - Leutnant M.A.

    From Oct.1941 - March 1941, battery commander of the 5./ MA.FLA.A 214 - Stand Heide

Hohenzollern - Emden, Friedrich Viktor, Prince of - Corvette Captain (1891–1965)

    September 1940 - May 1941, Division Commander of the MA.FLA.A. 214.May 1941 - June 1942, Commander in the Cuxhaven Sector iVSeptember 1942 - June 1942, Commander in the Cuxhaven Sector


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Kohnert - Leutnant M.A.

    From March 1940 - September 1940, battery commander of the 1./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Fort Kugelbake.

Leisewitz - Lieutenant Commander MA

    From Sept. 1940 - ???, Battery Commander iV of the 1./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Fort Kugelbake.

Nebelsiek, Hans, Dr. jur. - Korvettenkapitän M.A.

  • Von Aug. 1939 - April 1942,  Batterieführer der 6./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Leichte Flak, anschließende Abkommandierung nach Emden uns St.Nazaire/Fr.
  • Im Nov. 1943 - Nov. 1944 zurück nach Cuxhaven als Stabsoffizier und stellvertretender Seekommandanten Elbe - Weser beim Stab.

Schmidt - Lieutenant Commander MA

    From August 1939 - March 1940, battery commander of the 1./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Fort Kugelbake.

Seim - Lieutenant Commander MA

    from Sept. 1938 - ???, Battery Commander iV of the 2./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Schantung-Pollux-Neufeld / GrodenFrom Aug. 1939 - Sept.1940, Battery Commander iV of the 2./ MA.FLA.A.214 - Schantung-Pollux-Neufeld / Groden
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