The Höltjer Höhe is a ridge of geest south of the district of Holte Spangen, bordering Altenwalde. At a height of a good 29 metres above sea level, it is one of the highest elevations in the city of Cuxhaven. In May 1982, the Höltjer Höhe was renamed "Holter Höhe" by a council resolution. During the Third Reich, this area was appropriately developed for military purposes due to its strategic location. It bordered directly on the former Altenwalde firing range, which was used by the Navy. Among other things, there was a light air defence position, an anti-aircraft searchlight and apparently also a radar device (Seetakt Radar) for locating sea targets. Today, there are some ring positions in the forest areas, some of which are still intact, and the blown-up bunker on the Feldherrenhügel. Unfortunately, there are currently no photographic evidence of the positions at that time that would confirm these statements.
The area of the "Höltjer Höhe", you can see various objects here. Object A or B was definitely an anti-aircraft searchlight on a naval high stand. There was a light anti-aircraft position in the immediate vicinity. There was also probably a radio measuring device FuMG 38G >Seetaktradar<. Photo source: NN
FuMG 38G - >Sea-based radar<. This is a radio measuring device for locating and controlling sea targets. Photo source: NN
Ein weiteres
Objekt stand etwas südlicher des heutigen NDR Sendemastes. Um was es sich dabei handelte, ist nicht bekannt.
Fotoquelle: N.N.
At that time there was a bunker right next to the current NDR transmitter mast "Holter Höhe". Its purpose at the time has not yet been clarified. It may have served to protect the staff of the radio station there against low-level attacks. It is also not known whether there were antennas or measuring devices on it at the time. The building itself is still there today, but is used for other purposes.
Fotoquelle: N.N.
Three bunkers were under construction on the Feldherrnhügel from 1944 onwards. They were not finished by the end of the war. After the war they were blown up and only one destroyed bunker is still visible today. Photo source: NN
The searchlight tower on the Höltjer Höhe. Its design was similar to the towers on Heerstrasse and on Wehrberg in Duhnen.Source: Gerd Wildfang/Becker
The funnel sound listening device of the Höltjer Höhe position, it would have been located in the immediate vicinity of the high stand.Source: Gerd Wildfang/Becker
An aerial photograph from December 29, 1944, showing the area west of the Cuxhaven district of Holte-Spangen. Three smaller positions of unknown type are conspicuous. Photo source: NN
Nördlich der heutigen "Holter Straße" mehrere Objekte, die bisher nicht definiert werden konnten. Eventuell eine Funkanlage mit Flakabsicherung.
In der Verlängerung des
"Berenscher Heideweg" befanden sich ebenfalls zwei weitere unbekannte Objekte mit einigen Laufgräben. Hier wird vermutet, das es sich dabei um Geschütze handelte.
Fotoquelle: N.N.
East of the Fuchskuhle in Holte Spangen, there was the firing position of a light anti-aircraft battery. There were supposedly three 7.5 cm anti-aircraft guns (captured weapons) in the ramparts that can still be seen today. It is also not known whether these were light or heavy anti-aircraft guns. The battery is said to have belonged to the 6./ M.FLA.A 214. Photo source: NN
Die Vergrößerung
der Aufnahme, man erkennt die drei Boxen für die Geschütze. Gegenüber des Weges verschiedene Objekte, dort soll auch ein gemauerter Hochstand gestanden haben. Heutzutage gibt es dort noch erkennbar große Kuhlen im Boden zu sehen. Hier standen unter anderem ein Flakhochstand aus Beton und zwei Baracken.
Die Versorgung der Batterie befand sich direkt in der Fuchskuhle. Dort standen Wohnbaracken und die Küche. (Quelle: G.Wildfang)
Fotoquelle: N.N.