Bereits 1872 begann man damit, östlich des "Alten Hafens" einen neuen Hafenteil als Erweiterungsfläche zu bauen. Nach einer längeren Unterbrechung der Arbeiten, wurde dieser dann um 1900 fertig gestellt. Auf dem bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur zivil genutzten Bereich entstand an dessen Westseite das heutige "Steubenhöft". Ab 1912 begannen die Bauarbeiten für die Erweiterung des Hafenteils Richtung Osten auf eine Größe von etwa 40 Hektar Wasserfläche, die tiedeabhängig war.
Bereits davor begannen Planungen für den Bau von militärischen Anlagen für die Marine in Cuxhaven. Gerade durch das im Schleusenpriel liegende Minendepot wurde eine entspechende Erweiterung aus Platzgründen notwendig. Die Nähe zur Nordsee und dem Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal in der Nähe, machten den Standort entsprechend attraktiv.
Cuxhaven wurde bereits seit dem 19. Jahrhundert durch schwere Küstenbefestigungen abgesichert und war entsprechend stark ausgebaut. Ab 1905 stationierte die Kaiserliche Marine zum Schutz der Hoheitsgebiete auf den Meeren in Cuxhaven eine Anzahl von Minensucheinheiten.
The "New Harbour" after completion, with Ritzbüttel in the background. The chimney and the harbour cranes are striking.Source: Old postcard
A unit of torpedo boats at today's Lentzkai, photo from 1913. In the background again the chimney and the cranes.
The Amerikahafen after its completion in 1914, with a view from the Osterhöft (east side).
The Steubenhöft was originally built as a pier for the express steamers commuting from Cuxhaven to America. It is still located today on the northern corner of the Amerikahafen. Construction of the sea-side pier began in 1911 and was completed in 1913. The tidal-independent quay lies directly on the Elbe and can still accommodate the largest ships in the world today. Since then, the Steubenhöft has become an important port of call for large German warships. During the Second World War, pier breakers, which were used as escort ships for convoys or as mine clearers, repeatedly docked at this pier.
Operation Weserübung, the attack on Norway and Denmark On April 6, 1940, the heavy German cruiser "Admiral Hipper" took on 975 soldiers of the 138th Mountain Infantry Regiment at Steubenhöft Cuxhaven for the invasion of Trondheim. The ship was the lead unit of the II. Group. In addition, 4 destroyers in the Amerikahafen took on additional army units for the invasion operation.
March of various troops from the Grimmershörn barracks to the Steubenhöft. The photo was taken at the Zollkaje (bascule bridge).
In 1936, the Navy began building the "Cuxhaven Minesweeper Port" on the eastern part of the Amerikahafen, which was completed in 1938. This included a number of landing stages for ships and boats on the south side. Barracks buildings for the soldiers, as well as storage, logistics and supply facilities were also built. This also included the underground tank facility with the buffer tanks that were needed for the naval tank depot in Nordholz. The units of the later 5th/German Bight Security Division were stationed there with the minesweepers, the outpost flotilla, some barrier breakers, minelayers and anti-aircraft fighter units. Another advantage at the time was the proximity to the barrier weapons arsenal in Groden and the direct connection to the Reichsbahn rail network.
View of the east side (Osterhöft) of the Cuxhaven minesweeper port. Some units of the mine clearance units are moored at the bridges, and in the top left there is even an S-class (2nd generation) speedboat. The four boats in the foreground are R-boats (mine clearance boats) of class 130 - 150.
Source: Harbour plan 1944
The first units of the 2nd Mine Clearance Group in the new minesweeper port of Cuxhaven on April 1, 1938. The three larger boats are minesweeper boats of the M 35 class.
The boats are moored at the "concrete pier bridge", where the floating dock of the Bredo shipyard (formerly Mützelfeldt) is now located.
1939 - Die Minensuchboote M132, M111 und M75 (Typ 1916) an der Innenkante Steuben-höft.
Quelle: Claus Seedorf
Minesweepers (black) and escort boats (grey) have moored in the new home port (1938).Source: Claus Seedorf
1938 - Minesweepers of the type 1916 leaving the "New Harbor" (minesweeper harbor).Minesweeper 1916, M132, no name:Minesweeper 1916, M115 "Arkona"Source: Claus Seedorf
Outpost boats (converted fishing steamers) at a bridge in the minesweeper harbor (1943). Source: Claus Seedorf
Minesweepers during the ice winter of 1943 in the minesweeper harbor.Source: Claus Seedorf
1940, escort - torpedo boats of the Kriegsmarine at the berth. In the background, still under construction, the boiler house and the power plant.Source: Claus Seedorf
01.04.1938 - Minesweepers (black) and escort boats (grey) at the jetty.Source: Claus Seedorf
The minesweeper port was the target of several Allied air raids, but mostly as a target of opportunity or diversionary measure. Despite this, the damage and number of casualties was comparatively low. The picture on the left shows an Allied aerial photograph after the attack on April 18, 1944 by the 392 Bomb Group of the 8th USAAF Air Force.
Immediately after the end of the war, the British Royal Navy took over the Cuxhaven minesweeping port and set up a base. This was where the new owners were faced with their first task. There were still tens of thousands of sea mines lying in the rivers and coastal areas of the North and Baltic Seas that still needed to be removed. In order to cope with this task, the Allies ordered the German Minesweeping Service (DMR) to be formed from units of the former Navy; the English name for this was the German Minesweeping Administration (GMSA). The 2nd Minesweeping Division (North Sea A) was set up for the German North Sea coast and stationed in Cuxhaven. The unit consisted of vehicles from the former 7th Minesweeping Flotilla (Cuxhaven), the 9th... Clearance Flotilla (Cuxhaven), the 13th Clearance Flotilla (Cuxhaven), the 2nd/ Barrier Breaker Flotilla (Cuxhaven), the 2nd/ Transport Flotilla (Cuxhaven) and the Net Clearance Unit (Cuxhaven). Other units were located in Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven. The division was led by frigate captain Herbert Max Schultz. At the beginning of 1948, the headquarters of the British Frontier Control Service and, on March 17, 1948, the Chief Inspectorate moved to Cuxhaven (Neufelderstr. - Amerikahafen, later Osterhöftstr. 8). From January 1, 1948, the Cuxhaven Mine Clearance Unit (MRVC) took over this task. The unit, which sailed under the leadership of the British Control Commission, consisted of forces from the German Customs Border Guard. It had 12 minesweeper boats from the former minesweeper flotillas based in Cuxhaven. However, on 30 June 1951 the MRVC was disbanded. (Thanks to Paul Barlow!) In July 1956 the German Army took over the port from the Royal Navy, whose last units withdrew completely by mid-1957. The port facilities and barracks area were repaired over the course of the year for the future units of the German Navy. In the years that followed, Cuxhaven became the home base of various units such as minesweepers and frigates. By 1969 the floating units of the German Navy had finally left the minesweeper port. The reasons for this were the progressive decay of the facility and the silting up of the eastern part of the port; there were no funds available for renovation. The area was then transferred to the city of Hamburg, which was the owner of the Amerikahafen enclave according to the contract. Various companies then moved into the military area, including the company "Harms Bergung". The Mützelfeld shipyard, which had its headquarters at Schleusenpriel for decades, settled on the former Imperatorkai. In the spring of 1992, the port area was transferred entirely to the state of Lower Saxony through a state treaty. In 1994, work began on the future multi-purpose port CUX-PORT. A new sheet pile wall was driven in at the level of the then Queen Luise Bridge, which is now the eastern border of the Amerikahafen with the Humber Quay. In total, around 1/3 of the Amerikahafen was dredged up to create space for the storage of goods for the construction of the new transshipment port. Everything is now loaded at the current terminal. The product range extends from car and steel loading to offshore components for wind power, Ro-Ro loading, paper products, containers and much more. Source: Wikipedia, MB., Paul Barlow
Der Kasernenbereich des Minensuchehafens Cuxhaven 1960. Die Gebäude stimmen noch mit den Zeiten des letzten Krieges überein.
The entrance to the barracks area after the war, the Royal Navy had already withdrawn. The port area was now under the control of the British "Frontier Control Service".