As early as the First World War, there was a Reichswehr anti-aircraft battery north of today's Duhner roundabout on Cuxhavener Strasse. Among other things, it was involved in fending off the first carrier-based air raid in history. On Christmas Day 1914, British air forces attacked the city of Cuxhaven and the Zeppelin air base in Nordholz, among others. The attack was successfully repelled, partly due to the various anti-aircraft positions and the bad weather. After Germany's capitulation and the end of the First World War in 1918, the facility was demolished as part of the associated demilitarization; only the concrete slab remained. The site was then used for the spa operations that began at that time. However, the area probably returned to military hands by the mid-1930s. The German Wehrmacht built an anti-aircraft and interceptor weapons school on this site. Unfortunately, apart from a few photographs, sections of the fields and rough aerial photographs, little is known about this position. There are only a few photos of the dismantling of the facility and the demolition by the British occupying forces. There is also no exact date for the construction/start of operations of the anti-aircraft school.
A map from 1910. At that time, the Reichswehr Navy used only plot 960 as a pure anti-aircraft position (Steinmarne II) until 1918. With the start of the Third Reich, the area then extended from today's Duhner Kreisel to the Schlensenweg entrance. The Reichsmarine also took over the light blue area 491/1 (former forward command post of Fort Thomsen WW1) and the "Ove Ovens Haus" to accommodate the course participants (light green area).
The "Steinmarne II" battery was built and completed in 1914. After WW1, the facility was abandoned and demilitarized; only the large concrete slab on the street side remained. The area was then sold to a private individual who used it for spa operations.Photo source: Peter Bussler
In the photo you can see the four ring foundations for the 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns from 1913, in the middle of the commander's position.Photo source: Peter Bussler
In 1912, Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the naval town of Cuxhaven on the state yacht "Hohenzollern". According to reports, he also visited the anti-aircraft position at Duhnen/Steinmarne.Photo source: Peter Bussler
A military carriage during the imperial era on the site of the Duhnen anti-aircraft gun position. In the background the dike. Photo source: NN
Ein alter Lageplan des Geländes der ehemaligen Flakstellung aus dem WK. 1. nach 1918. Die Betonplatte und der vorgeschobene Kommandostand des Fort Thomsen (Unterstand) waren zu dem Zeitpunkt als einzige Objekte erhalten geblieben.
Photoquelle: Peter Bussler
The entire area was reactivated for military purposes before 1938 and expanded into an anti-aircraft training school for the Reichsmarine. On the western part (today's Adventure Golf course), the beds for heavy anti-aircraft guns were built on the seaward side. An Allied aerial photograph shows four positions that suggest this. Initially, 8.8 cm SK L/45 guns were used for training from there. However, mobile light and medium anti-aircraft weapons were also fired here. There was also a residential barracks and various small bunkers on the site that were camouflaged as normal houses. In 1943, the 315th Naval Construction Battalion built several large bunkers on the eastern part. The layout and structure of these buildings indicate a training battery for heavy anti-aircraft guns, as were also used elsewhere in the North German coastal area. These were four raised beds on the corresponding buildings. In the center of this was the control center, also built on a bunker. There was also another command post and an engine room bunker to supply the facility there. The armament probably consisted of four 10.5 cm SK C/32 anti-aircraft guns. This would fit with an entry in a war diary in which two such guns were withdrawn from the Duhnen training battery at the end of 1944 (see below). In front of the dyke there was another training area from which mobile anti-aircraft units and small-caliber weapons could be fired. The gun operator courses lasted an average of four weeks, with air target shooting carried out on air bags pulled by aircraft. It was also possible to carry out naval target engagement on tug-hauled barges on the Elbe. Infantry exercises on the beach to defend against invasion troops from the sea were also practiced here. Gun training took place on various light and heavy anti-aircraft weapons. In addition to our own guns, we also fired with captured guns. On November 17, 1942, the naval air barrage school set up in Brunsbüttel was moved to Duhnen, although the anti-aircraft school itself had already existed before then. According to contemporary witnesses, barrage balloons were also regularly launched as part of the training. The course participants were accommodated in the youth hostel (Ove Ovens Haus) in the center of Cuxhaven - Duhnen, which had been requisitioned by the military. There was also a barracks on the grounds of the training battery. Officers were sometimes housed in private accommodation in Duhnen, but it is not known to what extent the owners were paid for this.
Soldiers during a shooting course from 01.04 - 29.04.1940. The location of the photo is on the north side of the current adventure golf course. Photo source: Ties Groenewold/Oorlogsmuseum Middelstum
In the background is the Steinmarner Seedeich. The gun is an 8.8 cm SK L/45, as used on some older naval ships or initially in the naval anti-aircraft batteries. Photo source: Ties Groenewold/Oorlogsmuseum Middelstum
During practice firing with the 8.8 cm Flak. Photo source: Oliver Wleklinski
In the background, the bunkers of the Steinmarne anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weapons school, disguised as houses.Photo source: Oliver Wleklinski
The building in the background on the right is the former Hotel Seelust (Hansen). To the left are the bunkers of the training anti-aircraft position.Photo source: Oliver Wleklinski
Ein weiterer
Schießlehrgang beim Gruppenfoto
Fotoquelle: Oliver Wleklinski
The former Navy Flak School Duhnen. From here, until 1943, mainly heavy guns were fired towards the sea. Source: MB
The area in front of the dike at today's heavy-duty ramp "Seelust". It was mainly used for mobile light anti-aircraft guns and small caliber weapons. Source: MB
Auf Grund vermehrter Einflüge alliierter Kampfflugzeuge wurde die Übungsbatterie Duhnen auch zur direkten Luftabwehr eingesetzt. Am Tage durch die Lehrgangseilnehmer, in der Nacht durch Soldaten der Heimatflak.
During the course of the war, the anti-aircraft school was also known as a training battery. After the training course ended during the week, it was occupied by soldiers from the home anti-aircraft unit if necessary. According to a report in a war diary, there were also two anti-aircraft searchlights there for training purposes.
Construction of a light anti-aircraft gun in the training battery on 27.06.1940
The soldiers were mostly accommodated during their shooting courses in what was then known as the "Ove Ovens House" in the center of Duhnen.Photo source: NN
Another course participant in 1942 at the end in front of the Ove Ovens house.Photo source: NN
Participants of the 4th/ Replacement Marine Artillery Division after a course in the "Lehrbatterie Duhnen" on 20 May 1942. Photo source: Andreas Möller
Im Eis vor der ehemaligen Badebrücke, Soldaten und Dorfkinder aus Duhnen.
Fotoquelle: Oorlogsmuseum Middelstum, Ties Groenewold
The fountain with the sea mine was located on the west side of Duhner Strandstraße. The two mines were located on the edge of a parking lot in Duhner Wattenweg until the 1990s, when new construction began there.Photo source: NN
Die Wehrmachtsbaracke wurde offensichtlich gebaut, da der Platz in der ehemaligen Jugendherberge für die Lehrgänge der Soldaten nicht ausreichte. Sie wurde im Rahmen vom Abriss des Hauses 1973 ebenfalls entfernt. Nach Informationen handelte sich um eine
"Doecker" System Baracke.
Fotoquelle: N.N.
Direkt am Strand vor dem Ove Ovens Haus wurden auch praktische Infanterieübungen durchgeführt.
Fotoquelle: Gerd Wildfang
Simulated defense exercise against low-flying aircraft in front of the Duhner BadebrückePhoto source: Gerd Wildfang