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In addition to the Steinmarne anti-aircraft school, there was another shooting range directly on the west side of the Stand Heide battery. At that time, there was another training location for the naval anti-aircraft artillery on this site in the Duhner Heide. The shooting was primarily carried out using light guns of the 20 mm/Flak 38 class. The shooting range on the east side itself was separated from the rest of the area by a security fence. Over time, it was extended westwards to the current forest boundary of the former sea hospital for other training sections, but without a fence.The shooting range in the heath probably also belonged to the anti-aircraft school in Duhnen, its name was evidently Marine Anti-Aircraft School No. 11.Another training unit in this area was the listening and searchlight training. Up to 10 anti-aircraft searchlights are said to have been used at this location in places.On the sea side, directly in the heathland on the Geest cliff, various communication trenches were dug into the ground for safety reasons. The reason was probably a defensive measure to protect against invasion from the sea. Many of these trenches and some concrete foundations can still be clearly seen today.

Ein Luftbild von 1958. Auf der linken Seite befand sich die schwere Batterie > Stand Heide <, rechts die Duhner Heide. Das Gelände war entsprechend mit einem Laufgrabensystem ausgestattet. Im Bedarfsfall wären diese gegebenfalls mit Maschinengewehrständen besetzt worden.

An aerial photo from 2021, bottom left is the observation tower on the dune path. The trenches are still clearly visible.

According to information, the area of the shooting range was surrounded by a security fence. On the left side there was obviously a small bunker. The purpose of the square area is not clear.

Until the 1960s, there was a system barracks directly adjacent to the Duhner Heide. It can be assumed that it was directly connected to the Flakschule in the Heide. However, it is no longer possible to determine whether it was used as a residential or command barracks.

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